Turquoise has a long history in humankind. It was used as a talisman by among the Ancient Egyptians, Native Americans, Incas, Aztecs, kings, shamans and warriors.
Turquoise heals the whole body balancing and aligning all the chakras. It is symbol of friendship, brings creativity and honesty, fortune and peace.
It is used for cleansing as it protects you from anything that is not serving you. It also has properties of relieving anxiety and nervousness as it stabilizes mood-swings bringing inner calm. It is an excellent gemstone for persons with depression and exhaustion and it aids to prevent panic attacks.
Turquoise activates the throat chakra energy center. All physical, mental spiritual and emotional health is regulated through the throat chakra. The activation of this chakra improves communication, self-expression and ability to speak your personal truth.
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